There is always something on the go…
I enjoy sharing my knowledge by teaching quilting classes.
I have curated a gallery with some of my favourite quilts..
VIEW THE QUILTS >Creative Siska @ Instagram
Follow my latest quilt projects and classes

Siska is a Quiltworx certified instructor, available to teach the very popular Judy Neimeyer patterns. Classes are available for all skills levels.
Siska is available to teach worldwide. If you would like to discuss or arrange a class in your area, please use the contact form or email.
Part of my life is about art, beauty at its own view, all the hard work, detailed stitches and definitely a great passion. All the looooong waiting for this beauty to be hand quilted by the Favorite Pieces team paid off. I admired Quiltworx.com years ago, yet, was to scared to start until last year. Thanks to Siska Prabonowati Dart who taught me in the first place and now I am working on my 3rd quilt project
Please get in touch…
Your Details

Quilting has been my passion for many years. As I traveled, I was exposed to the beautiful fabrics available for creative work in many countries.
I started Creative Siska to share my quilting knowledge with others. I'm particularly enthusiastic about expanding the art and craft of quilting in Indonesia.
- Quiltworx - Judy Niemeyer quilting
- Victorian Textiles wholesale - fabric and quilting supplies
- Quilting Fabrications - modern designer quilting patterns